Monday, 2 April 2012

Ebdon's the ultimate grinder

HIS game has been described as boring, dull even. And all those criticisms of Peter Ebdon are 100 per cent right - he can make snooker look the most tedious game on the planet. But do you think he cares? Not a jot. And why should he? He's just picked up his ninth ranking event win of his career after a marathon 10-9 win over Stephen Maguire in the China Open, not to mention the small matter of £75,000. But while many may criticise his tactics and slowness around the table, it's that ability to concentrate 100 per cent - to give it his all on every shot - that many players envy. The great Alex Higgins freely admitted he would often take on ridiculous shots and play up to the crowd, and often then lose the frame and possibly match. But Ebdon is content to take extra time to think about a shot, no matter if the audience are getting restless. He has what football pundit Alan Hansen regularly bangs on about: 'grit and determination'. Ebdon can also still play to a high standard - he hit four centuries in the China Open final. I would certainly not want to see every player in the top 16 play his way - it would probably be the death of snooker. But every sport has its tactics and different ways of playing a game. And remember, snooker has always had its fair share of grinders with Cliff Thornburn and Terry Griffiths. Now we will have to wait and see if this is a one-off and whether Ebdon can get back into the top 16. We might have a long wait, though....

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